S-GP, Texas

... more proof of its benefits. By reading my disclosure to my wife of 30 years, I wounded her more than I could understand. But, in truth it was my actions that had already wounded her; not my disclosure of those actions. [The Three-Day Intensive was] life changing. Made me want to be a better man, husband and father. And gave me the insight into my wife's pain and my addiction and the tools to actually be that better person and help my wife heal. Not to be overly dramatic, but it saved my marriage. We had a great strong marriage (other than my 23 year secrete sin/addiction), but even as great as it was, there is no way it would have survived the pain [my sex addiction] inflicted on my wife without this intensive. I know I am only 2 days out form the intensive, but my wife and I have such hope and I have such freedom! [The Intensive was] the best [money] we have ever spent. I think we will be married another 30 years, so that's only [pennies] day. We are looking forward to the follow-up in 3 months!"
GP, Texas
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